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Kelly Chang

Conference Operations

Kelly Chang (she/her/hers) has been an active member of SCEC since 2016 and dreams of shifting the dominant “green” culture to one that is more spiritually aligned with nature and reconnecting people with their environments. Now in her fourth year at the University of California, Berkeley studying Society and Environment and minoring in Sustainable Environmental Design, Kelly hopes to accomplish her dreams through whichever way she happens on, whether through storytelling, policy, or urban design. 

Outside of classes, she spends time with her friends and is almost always working to create community and actively organizing with her peers in the Students of Color Environmental Collective, where the group focuses on social and environmental justice issues on and off campus. Her strongest skills lie mostly in event planning, marketing, and business communications. Her greatest joys are in being able to create spaces for learning and community. Although she often finds herself buried in self-inflicted work, Kelly also spends her time being a photographer, engaging in digital storytelling, and gardening.

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